Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's PARTY Time!

We at IPEI are preparing excitedly to move into our amazing new space at the Just Be Cause Center in the coming weeks. And now, you can share our excitement!

This coming Sunday, Agava is hosting the party of the summer - the first annual Just Be Cause Party! From 5pm to 9pm, there will be food, drinks, and live music to celebrate this great nonprofit center. And the best part is that the proceeds from this new annual event will be split between the JBCC and another local nonprofit. This year, we will help Loaves and Fishes celebrate 30 years of providing food, hospitality, companionship and advocacy for those in need in our community. 

Tickets are $50 each and include a fabulous dinner, dancing, and music provided by local favorites, Little Joe and the Big Shots. Tickets are available at Agava, Island Health and Fitness, Terra Rosa in the Triphammer Shopping Plaza, Pastimes in the Dewitt Mall, The Cancer Resource Center and CSP Management.

And remember, we're not having a party just because - it's a party for a Just Cause!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

IPEI Welcomes Ithaca STEM Advocates as New Affiliate

This week, the Ithaca Public Education Initiative welcomed Ithaca STEM Advocates as the organization's newest affiliate. The Ithaca STEM Advocates work to provide K-12 students with additional opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math by connecting teachers, student clubs, and ICSD-sponsored organizations for networking, support, and fundraising.

Ithaca STEM Advocates joins IPEI's long-time affiliate,  the Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG), under the fiscal "umbrella" of IPEI. For over a decade, IPEI has affiliated with FABG and Code Red Robotics because they are similarly dedicated to educational missions that are compatible with IPEI’s charitable purpose of fostering understanding of and support for the schools. The IPEI Board of Directors feel confident that an affiliation with Ithaca STEM Advocates will be similarly beneficial for Ithaca students. IPEI President Terry Byrnes remarked, "IPEI strives to enhance the education of every ICSD student and we are delighted to welcome the Ithaca STEM Advocates. IPEI will support and collaborate with this new organization to increase student access to and participation in STEM activities."

Illa Burbank, president of the newly formed Ithaca STEM Advocates, encouraged groups and individuals to get involved by visiting  “Learn how you can assist in raising funds; help decide how funds are allocated; and find out how your class, club, or organization can benefit,” Burbank said. "We are also seeking volunteers for our board and committees, and for the associated organizations, as well as mentors from the technology community who want to work with our students and teachers."

Gifts can be made to IPEI and either directed to a specific STEM associate, or donated to Ithaca STEMto help fund its overall mission and operations.

Friday, July 19, 2013

IPEI and Library Lion Head Downtown

If you walk down Bank Alley, you may see a familiar lion that loves to read. Local artist Sandra Carr generously donated her time to capturing the beloved Kids Discover the Trail! character on a mural for IPEI. We love seeing such a great representation of our organization, and hopefully you will too!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Exhibition of IHS Student Art at TCPL

There are only a few days left in the Tompkins County Public Library's exhibit of art by Ithaca High School students! This stunning artwork display is a great way to beat the heat this summer. Don't miss it!

Photos courtesy of TCPL official website