Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Congrats to Red and Gold Grant Recipients Round 2, 2015-16

Congratulations to the newest Red and Gold Grant Recipients 2015-16, Round 2 (one-time awards for 13 projects proposed by ICSD teachers and others totaling $6,365)!

Crazy for Caldecott and Nutty for Newbery!
Tara Caiza/Belle Sherman
Drop Everything and Read to ME *
Alexander Santana/Beverly J. Martin
The Art in Geography!
Cara Salibrici and Haley O’Donnell/Boynton
Exploring African –American Culture through the Arts
Linda Dickey/Boynton
Shadow Instillations
Kerri Burke/Caroline
Tractor Power
David Buchner, Trisha Armstrong/DeWitt
Hands On Science
Abigail Bokaer/Fall Creek
It’s All OK! Social and Emotional Development at Fall Creek School.
Cathertine Hart/Fall Creek
Let’s Get Reading! Developmentally Appropriate Non-Fiction Materials for Kids.
Diane Houghton/Fall Creek
LACS Ukulele Choir 2015
Kaile Tsapis/LACS
Gary Bercow/LACS
Building the Future
Tammy Hansen, Jennifer Morgan, Sandra Rouleau, Marnie Ecklund/Northeast
Language, Rhythm and Rhyme
Beth Jump-Wixson/South Hill

* Selected to be funded by a gift from a retired ICSD teacher who encourages additional creative integration of music into elementary curricula.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Citizen Science Action Project Engaged Four Schools' Fifth Graders

On December 22, students and adults gathered for a symposium at the Greenstar Space culminating this fall's Citizen Science Action Project (CSAP).  CSAP involved over 175 Ithaca City School District fifth-grade students in nine classrooms at four schools taking action on an issue that’s been plaguing each of their local communities - invasive species.

The project, one year in the making, is a four-month learning expedition co-created by nine teachers. Through generous support from ICSD and IPEI’s Connecting Classrooms Grant, each teacher committed over 70 hours of planning time into the expedition.

Learning expeditions like the Citizen Science Action Project (CSAP) represent a bold commitment by ICSD and IPEI to support innovative and site-specific education.

ICSD 5th graders work on CSAP about two hours each day, learning much of their life science content and fall English Language Arts skills through the expedition.

In addition, students are learning how to communicate their thinking with peers across different classrooms through their new Chromebooks. CSAP consists of three case studies and a culminating project.

In Case Study #1 (September) students built background knowledge of food webs and ecosystem.

In Case Study #2 (October) students have been investigating an ecosystem at a local field site, examining the interactions of organisms there. From this, students are discovering an invasive species at their field site.

In Case Study #3 (November) students will research their invasive species, and will investigate community approaches to managing their invasive species.

For their culminating project, students will argue an approach to managing the species at a poster presentation session. “In our seven weeks of CSAP, we’ve seen students living the mission statement - engaged, invested in their education, and empowered, all through thinking critically about issues in their own backyards,” said Brian Goodman, 5th Grade Teacher, Enfield Elementary.

The field sites included Cascadilla Gorge, Caroline Wilderness Trail, Lower Treman State Park,Buttermilk Falls, and the four CSAP Schools: Beverly J. Martin, Caroline, Enfield, South Hill!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

IPEI Awards Two Connecting Classrooms Grants

 It's about working together!

IPEI, the Ithaca Public Education Initiative, has awarded two Connecting Classrooms Grants, the first in 2015-16 school year which is its second year. The Connecting Classrooms Grants program is IPEI's fourth and newest grants offering for teachers, staff and others with ideas for enhancing educational opportunities for Ithaca City School District (ICSD) students.

The two grants total $9,714 and will impact 1200 students, according to IPEI Grants Committee Chair Connie Patterson. The next review for additional Connecting Classroom Grants this year will be after the January 29, 2016 deadline for Statements of Interest.  “A Brief Introduction to West African Drum and Dance” is led by Jonathan Keefner, music teacher at Enfield Elementary School; and “Belle Sherman Outdoor Learning Space & Nature Trail Development – PHASE ONE” will be directed by Principal Daniel Breiman.

Ann Caren, IPEI Board Member and retired teacher, expressed: "This will give teachers who know their students well an opportunity to tailor grants to the interests and needs of their current students or think ahead to projects they might want to develop over the summer. Many teachers I know spend time over the upcoming break reflecting on the work they have done over the past four months and come back to school re-energized and ready to start a project in the spring. This is a chance for them to work with colleagues and have funds to think ahead at a time when school district funds have may have been expended for the year."

A Brief Introduction to West African Drum and Dance

Lead ICSD Applicant: Jonathan Keefner

With ICSD teachers: Christopher Bell, Karen Cushman, Jennifer Kivisild, Gregory McQuade, Ross Mizrahi, Dorothy Preston, Brandon Reyes; Sulley Imoro- Guest clinician; Moxie Kumba Ensemble- Performers;
Baruch Whitehead and the Ithaca College Drum and Dance Ensemble- Performers.

A Brief Introduction to West African Drum and Dance is a workshop series designed to give as many students in the district as possible the opportunity to interactively learn about West Africa culture, history, music, and life. At the end of the series every student who was involved will come together at the high school with Mr. Imoro and several other guest artists to perform the piece they learned for their peers, family, and the community. Collaborating teachers will gain the necessary resources and understanding of the topic to include an African drum and dance unit in their curriculum. This work will be able to  be included in a “world music” section of a curriculum, band will also have the sustainability to stand alone as a powerful addition to a regular year-long curriculum.

Belle Sherman Outdoor Learning Space & Nature Trail Development – PHASE ONE

Lead ICSD Applicant: Daniel Breiman

With ICSD teachers from both Belle Sherman and Caroline Elementary, Cornell Architecture students, and the Finger Lakes Land Trust

Teachers, specialists, teacher assistants, and teacher aides to plan across grade levels and buildings to develop engaging, authentic curriculum around a new nature trail at Belle Sherman Elementary School.  The grant project will build and strengthen local connections through the vast resources and expertise at Cornell University, Belle Sherman, Caroline Elementary, and locally.  The grant will also provide some materials and supplies to support the planning and development of the nature trail.
Connecting Classrooms Grants build on IPEI's successful models for encouraging and supporting innovative teaching and deeper learning. "Our intent is to be the catalyst for ICSD staff to seek and develop innovative collaborative partnerships between teachers within a school, across grade levels and/or between schools," according to Patterson. "It's about working together," said IPEI Executive Director Christine Sanchirico. "This is really our guiding principle for the new grants."

IPEI initiated Connecting Classrooms Grants using funds IPEI received from generous community members who donated to its Our Children * Our Schools * Our Future campaign. One of the capital campaign's three goals was to expand programs and grants. IPEI's other grants programs are funded by the Annual Fund and Adult Spelling Bee.

IPEI has allocated significant resources for Connecting Classroom Grant recipients to plan, develop, and implement their visions that are aligned with the grant criteria. Connecting Classrooms Grants criteria include: internal collaboration among ICSD staff; identification of overall promise or potential of project aligned with school and district goals; plan encourages active learning and student engagement; realistic, thoughtful outline of process; proposed budget aligns with project goals and intended outcomes; potential for academic impact; and process for effective evaluation of the project.

"IPEI is pleased and excited to support these fantastic proposals that find new ways to get students actively involved in learning and discovery. Each project was created by a group of educators who have chosen to focus on scientific content while incorporating language arts, math, and technology. We are impressed with the teachers' vision and commitment!" said Patterson, an IPEI board member and retired educator.

IPEI expects that these large scale projects will be oriented toward student engagement that support learning consistent with school and district goals. "IPEI has dedicated funding to encourage innovative thinking, further engage students, and increase the sense of community between groups of teachers and students," explained Patterson. To be considered for funding, projects must have a plan for sustainability and a method for evaluation. Patterson added that applicants first consider whether the request fits into IPEI's other grant categories (Teacher Grants, Red and Gold Grants, and Community Collaboration Grants). 

The next review of project proposals will be following the deadline for Statements of Interest, January 29, 2016.

IPEI's website (www.ipei.org) includes details on all its activities. For more information, contact ConnectingClassroomsGrants@IPEI.org or call (607) 256-4734.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

IPEI’s Adult Spelling Bee is Sunday, March 6

Mark your calendars for the 18th Annual IPEI Adult Spelling Bee, a family-friendly community event with 28 spelling bee teams - three team members each - as well as an official pronouncer, timekeeper, and judges. The Bee is the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI)’s signature fundraising event raising funds for IPEI grants for Ithaca City School District (ICSD) teachers. Last year over $90,000 in grants was awarded for projects that enhance the education of ICSD students.

Scheduled for 2:00 p.m. at the Ithaca High School Wellness Center Gym, this fun-filled gathering draws a large crowd of all ages eager to watch the teams of spellers representing local businesses, schools, and community groups. Team costumes are encouraged, and cheering sections rally the competitors as the teams battle it out to make it to the championship round vying for the Fuzzy Bee trophy.

This year’s Bee will pilot a new format based on the Bozeman School Foundation, Montana, with Jeopardy style rounds. With this new approach, teams in each round will be given the same words to spell at the same time, and the pace of spelling is expected to increase.

Thanks to the Bee’s event sponsors, all other proceeds go directly toward funding IPEI grants for The Blue Ribbon Champion Sponsor is Chemung Canal Trust Company, and the Red Ribbon Finalist Sponsor is Wells Fargo Financial Advisors. Sciarabba Walker and Cayuga Radio Group are Gold Ribbon Sponsors.

Spelling Bee team entry fees (minimum $400 each) are paid by local businesses and organizations or by the spellers themselves. While online registration after January 4 is encouraged, entry forms can also be downloaded from Events page at www.IPEI.org. During the Bee there’s also a silent auction and other ways for event spectators to participate. In advance of the Bee, advertisements can be purchased in the event program, and spellers will be seeking support.

Contact the Spelling Bee Committee, ipei@ipei.org to get involved or with questions. The chair is Jennifer Biloski, jbiloski@twcny.rr.com, 607-227-1905.

IPEI is a community-based not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that develops supportive community and private sector relationships with the ICSD.  Founded in 1996, IPEI is committed to connecting school and community through collaboration, engagement, gifts and grants.  For more information, see www.ipei.org or contact 256-IPEI (4734).

Friday, December 11, 2015

IPEI Awards 16 New Teacher Grants

The Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) has awarded 16 new Teacher Grants totaling $19,055 for projects that will engage more than 1,500 students in educational enrichment programs during 2015-16 school year.

Teachers across the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) have developed with community partners a variety of innovative programs in math, science, history, literacy and the arts. 

“The grants show the amazing creativity of our teachers, from using drones to monitor vegetation changes to exploring a piece of art in its cultural setting to using rhyming and music to develop early literacy skills,” said Sandy True, chair of the IPEI Teacher Grant Committee. “Our community has a deep passion for education, and IPEI has channeled this energy to assist our teachers in creating an environment where our students enjoy learning!”

One of the Teacher Grants will bring a geographic information specialist (GIS) to science classrooms at DeWitt Middle School and Ithaca High School to learn about energy decision-making. “Creating science curriculum around real-world problems and providing opportunities for students to learn and practice the skills that will enable them to address one of our biggest challenges is what motivated me to create the IPEI project,” said Laura VanVleet, science teacher at DeWitt. “Almost every day, the topic of energy is in the news, both globally and locally. Every citizen needs to be involved in the conversation, but the content and the skills involved are complex. Media literacy skills, data and map analysis, debate, and opinion writing with evidence are just some of the skills we will tackle. Having targeted curriculum that addresses these skills and the science content will help young people become a part of this conversation, and at the same time become engaged in activities that foster critical thinking and motivation.”

At Beverly J. Martin Elementary School, a Teacher Grant will help improve literacy skills of fourth-graders through an interdisciplinary approach to studying poetry and other writing techniques, map-making and social studies practices, and photography and short films. “We want to present our fourth-grade writers with ‘listening-learning-noticing-knowing’ structures paired with literacy pieces like poems, books and short films,” said Sarah Wolff, a local poet collaborating with BJ Martin teacher Katie Dietrich Cacciotti. “We believe that the saturation of literacy processes will yield infinite reading and writings from the students.”

Other projects include a Wassa Pan Afrikan Dance Ensemble performance at Lehman Alternative Community School in February for Black History Month, Pre-K through fifth-grade workshops with a graphic novelist at Fall Creek Elementary School, and a study of Medieval and Renaissance periods in European history by tenth-grade global students at the Johnson Art Museum at Cornell.   

All 2015-16 Teacher Grants are listed below and at ipei.org.

The annual deadline to apply for an IPEI Teacher Grant award of up to $1,500 is November 1.

IPEI is a community-based not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that develops supportive community and private sector relationships with the Ithaca City School District.  Founded in 1996, IPEI is committed to connecting school and community through collaboration, engagement, gifts and grants.  For more information, see www.ipei.org or contact 256-IPEI (4734).

By Heather Zimar, IPEI Public Relations Committee

IPEI Teacher Grants 2015-16

Harmonious Harps at Belle Sherman                                                                                            
Cindy Daly/Belle Sherman with
Lisa Craig Fenwick, Professional Harpist

Inside Outside Upside Down: Discovering the World through the Language of Dance              
Sheri McWhorter-Wyckoff and Mary Anne Camel/Beverly J. Martin with
Lisa Tsetse, Choreographer

Scaffolding to Infinity                                                                                                                       
Katie Dietrich Cacciotti/Beverly J. Martin with
Sarah Wolff, Poet

Yoga Storytelling and Strengthening a Sense of Self                                                                  
Sarah Smith and Kelly Craft/Fall Creek and Beverly J. Martin with
Diane Hamilton, Yogi and Storyteller

ELEVATE Science Learning with Drones*                                                            
Brian VanGorder/Caroline with
Matt Sacco, Cayuga Nature Center, and CUAIR Cornell University Drone Club

Where in the World                                                                                                              
Kerri Burke/Caroline with
Mary Beth Ihnken, Artist

Energy Decisions: Problem-Based Learning for Enhancing Student Motivation and Critical Thinking in Middle and High School Science *                                                                                               
Laurie VanVleet/DeWitt and Ithaca High with
Karen Edelstein, GIS specialist

Using Rhyming and Music to Build Early Literacy Skills                                                            
Sharon Ciferri/Enfield with
Judy Stock, Musician

Barry Deutsch Author Visit                                                                                                 
Allison Andersen/Fall Creek with
Barry Deutsch, Author

Fall Creek Family Dance      **                                                                                            
Karla Notarianni/Fall Creek with
Victoria Armstrong, Dance Caller, and Dave Davies, Musician

English 10 / English 12 Viewing of Macbeth (2015) at Cinemapolis                                               
Michael Reiff and William Asklar/Ithaca High School with
Brett Bossard, Cinemapolis

Medieval and Renaissance Extravaganza*                                                                        
Cassidy Fisk/Ithaca High School with
Carol Hockett, Johnson Museum of Art, and Maryterese Pasquale-Bowen

Reforesting Chestnut Street                                                                                               
Sarah Jane Bokaer/LACS with
Pamela Markham, Horticulturist

LACS presents Wassa Pan Afrikan Dance Ensemble                                                                 
Marcy Little/LACS with
Nana Kwasi Anim, Director of Wassa Pan Afrikan Dance Ensemble

How to Keep Our World Healthy and Clean for Everyone and Everything                            
Emily Kerry/Northeast with
Tompkins County Solid Waste, and Cayuga Compost

Take One Picture                                                                                                                 
Alison Pritz/South Hill with
Carol Hockett, Johnson Museum of Art, Jai Hari Meyerhoff, Yogi

*Selected to be funded by the Charles E. Treman Jr. Teacher Grant Endowment of the Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund in memory of the former president of the Tompkins Trust Company.

**Selected to be funded by a gift from a retired ICSD teacher who encourages the integration of music into elementary classrooms.