Tuesday, July 23, 2013

IPEI Welcomes Ithaca STEM Advocates as New Affiliate

This week, the Ithaca Public Education Initiative welcomed Ithaca STEM Advocates as the organization's newest affiliate. The Ithaca STEM Advocates work to provide K-12 students with additional opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math by connecting teachers, student clubs, and ICSD-sponsored organizations for networking, support, and fundraising.

Ithaca STEM Advocates joins IPEI's long-time affiliate,  the Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG), under the fiscal "umbrella" of IPEI. For over a decade, IPEI has affiliated with FABG and Code Red Robotics because they are similarly dedicated to educational missions that are compatible with IPEI’s charitable purpose of fostering understanding of and support for the schools. The IPEI Board of Directors feel confident that an affiliation with Ithaca STEM Advocates will be similarly beneficial for Ithaca students. IPEI President Terry Byrnes remarked, "IPEI strives to enhance the education of every ICSD student and we are delighted to welcome the Ithaca STEM Advocates. IPEI will support and collaborate with this new organization to increase student access to and participation in STEM activities."

Illa Burbank, president of the newly formed Ithaca STEM Advocates, encouraged groups and individuals to get involved by visiting IthacaSTEM.org.  “Learn how you can assist in raising funds; help decide how funds are allocated; and find out how your class, club, or organization can benefit,” Burbank said. "We are also seeking volunteers for our board and committees, and for the associated organizations, as well as mentors from the technology community who want to work with our students and teachers."

Gifts can be made to IPEI and either directed to a specific STEM associate, or donated to Ithaca STEMto help fund its overall mission and operations.

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